Hi folks,
There is some kind of technical problem with the Dor post that is not permitting comments to go through even though comments are supposed to be open on that post. I have submitted a support ticket to TypePad and will hopefully get it resolved quickly. In the meantime if you feel the urge to comment on Dor you should be able to do so in this post; I think I can move the comments to the Dor post later. UPDATE: The problem appears to be resolved and I have moved the comments from here to the Dor post. Please let me know if you still have trouble.
I've not been a conscientious blogger for the past month or so but now that the Dor review is up and I have a few more in the pipeline I hope to be back up to speed soon. I miss watching Hindi movies and reviewing them, and I miss hearing from you about them as well. Thanks for reading Filmi Geek!
ETA: There are worse technical problems than that; apparently all the
work I did getting Dor ready for publication last night has been lost,
and the review that is published has reverted to a half-finished version of the
post. I have pulled it and am mightily annoyed that I've lost my work. I'll try to reconstruct it as soon as I can. ETAA: Fixed! I knew there was a good reason I subscribed to my own RSS feed. :p