Namaste filmi dosto.
It's been eight weeks or so since my last metapost. That time has seen the addition of more than a dozen reviews to the site, bringing the total number of films reviewed here to a staggering 105 (plus one play).
That represents pretty much every Indian (or Indian-themed) film I have seen in the past two years, and means I've watched, on average, one a week for two years. Obsession is a great thing. I am watching more now than I was in the beginning. In the first 20 weeks of 2007, I watched and reviewed 36 films, for a pace of just under two a week. I have to have something new to keep you all coming back! This past weekend, a three-day weekend here in the US, I saw three more Hindi films, including the brand-new Cheeni kum currently showing in theaters, so you can expect a review of that and other new posts this week.
In the meantime you can visit the discussion boards at BollyWHAT? or at Jaman to talk about what's new and old in Hindi films. Jaman, where I'm a reviewer and moderator, has a good collection of Hindi films available for free download.